Control engineering applications
Note: A key area of my research is control theory and engineering. In this section, I have selected some very applied works in engineering systems. There are also control-applications-related works in the Discontinuous and switched dynamical systems, the Dissipativity and energy-related properties in control systems, and the Hybrid dynamical systems, cyber-physical systems, complex systems and AI sections
Journal papers:
Slow motion of an unloaded hydraulic robot arm. E. Licéaga-Castro, E.M. Navarro-López, R. García-Aguilar, J.M. Andújar-Morgado. Precision Engineering, vol. 36(3), pp. 388-398, 2012.
Combining passivity and classical frequency-domain methods: An insight into decentralised control. E.M. Navarro-López,E. Licéaga-Castro. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 215(12), pp. 4426-4438, 2010.
Bit-sticking phenomena in a multi-degree-of-freedom controlled drillstring. E.M. Navarro-López. Exploration and Production: Oil and Gas Review, vol. 8(2), pp. 70-75, 2010. Guest article.
Design of practical sliding-mode controllers with constant switching frequency for power converters. E.M. Navarro-López, D. Cortés, C. Castro. Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 79, pp. 796- 802, 2009.
Efficient multivariable submarine depth-control system design. E. Licéaga-Castro, J.U. Licéaga-Castro, C.E. Ugalde-Loo, E.M. Navarro-López. Ocean Engineering, vol. 35, pp. 1747-1758, 2008.
Conference papers:
Sampled-data adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties. D.S. Laila, E.M. Navarro-López, A. Astolfi. 18th IFAC Triennial World Congress, (Milano, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2011) pp. 1261-1266. ISBN: 978-3-902661-93-7.
Speed-gradient inverse optimal control for discrete-time nonlinear systems. F. Ornelas, E.N. Sánchez, A.G. Loukianov, E.M. Navarro-López. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, (Orlando, Florida, USA, December 12-15, 2011) pp. 290-295.
Robust decentralised control design for a MIMO nonminimum-phase process. E.Licéaga-Castro, E.M. Navarro-López, J. Licéaga-Castro. 13th Latin American Congress of Automatic Control, (Mérida, Venezuela, November 25-28, 2008).
Stabilization of the variable-length pendulum. E.M. Navarro-López, E. Fossas-Colet. European Control Conference, (Porto, Portugal, September, 2001), pp. 675-680.
On the passivity of general nonlinear systems. H. Sira-Ramírez, E.M. Navarro-López. 14th Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, (Perpignan, France, June, 2000).
Editorial articles:
Universidad y Sociedad: ¿Responsabilidades Olvidadas? (University and Society: Forgotten Responsabilities?). E.M. Navarro-López, C. Villarroel González. Ingeniare. Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, 19(2), 2011. ISSN: 0718-3291.
La Naturaleza, las Matemáticas, la Ingeniería y el Caos (Nature, Mathematics, Engineering and Chaos). E.M. Navarro-López. Ingeniare. Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, vol. 18(1), pp. 2-4, 2010. ISSN: 0718-3291.