Hybrid dynamical systems, cyber-physical systems,
complex systems and artificial intelligence
"Artificial Intelligence in Tourism, Hospitality and Events: Revolutionising Experiences”. Goodfellow Publishers. Editors: Roya Rahimi, Nikolaos Stylos, Eva M. Navarro-López and Prashant Pillai. Expected date of publication: 2025.
Journal papers:
Gen-CNN: A framework for the automatic generation of CNNs for image classification. R. García-Aguirre, E.M. Navarro-López, L. Torres-Treviño. Neural Computing and Applications. Published online: November 2024. Published in print: vol. 37, pp. 149-168, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10398-6. Software availabe at this link. Paper file available at this link.
Detecting shifts in metropolitan structure: a spatial network perspective. H. Odell, E.M. Navarro-López, N. Pinto, I. Deas. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2022.
A dynamical model for the oscillatory basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical activity and its implications in Parkinson’s disease. E.M. Navarro-López, U. Celikok, N.S. Sengör. Cognitive Neurodynamics, vol. 15, pp. 693-720, 2021.
Communities of software: using tensor decompositions to compare software ecosystems. O. Blanthorn, C. Caine, E.M. Navarro-López. Applied Network Science, vol. 4, article number: 120, 2019.
Automated generation of hybrid automata for multi-rigid-body mechanical systems and its application to the falsification of safety properties . E.M. Navarro-López, M. O'Toole. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, vol. 24, pp. 44-75, 2018.
Deadness and how to disprove liveness in hybrid dynamical systems. E.M. Navarro-López, R. Carter. Theoretical Computer Science, vol, 642, pp. 1-23, 2016.
The coevolution of sexual imprinting by males and females. M. Gómez, E.M. Navarro-López, T. Gilman. Ecology and Evolution, vol. 6, pp. 7113–7125, 2016.
Group and total dissipativity and stability of multi-equilibria hybrid automata. E.M. Navarro-López, D.S. Laila. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 58(12), pp. 3196-3202, 2013.
Hybrid automata: An insight into the discrete abstraction of discontinuous systems. E.M. Navarro-López, R. Carter. International Journal of Systems Science. Special issue on Variable Structure Systems Methods for Control and Observation of Hybrid Systems, vol. 42(11), pp. 1883-1898, 2011.
Towards l2-stability of discrete-time reset control systems via dissipativity theory. J. Carrasco, E.M. Navarro-López. Systems & Control Letters, vol. 62, pp. 525-530, 2013.
Book chapters:
The impact of AI on gender and work: A gender analysis framework. E.M. Navarro-López, E.S. Godwin, S. Yamak, S. Mahmood, M. Thelwall, M. Ucal, R. Rahimi. Invited paper to the Working Paper Series 2023 of the Vienna University's Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations. In WU Gender and Diversity Conference 2023. Track Diversity and Workplace Integration. Claes, M-T., Hermann, A., Romo Pérez, A., & Stadlmann, M. (Ed.). "Examining the influence of the socio-political context on diversity and inclusion in organizations". WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. https://doi.org/10.57938/wp15.2023.005, pp. 12-21, 2023.
A feature-based ontology for cyber-physical systems. B. Tekinerdogan, R. Mittal, R. Al-Ali, M. Iacono, E.M. Navarro-López, S. Bandyopadhyay, K. Vanherpen, A. Barisic, K. Taveter. In Multi-Paradigm Modelling Approaches for Cyber-Physical Systems. Elsevier, pp. 45-65, chapter 3, 2021.
Approximated stability analysis of bi-Modal hybrid co-simulation scenarios. C. Gomes, P. Karalis, E.M. Navarro-López, H. Vangheluwe. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems, 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017), (September 4-8, 2017, Trento, Italy), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol 10729 . Editors: A. Cerone and M. Roveri., pp. 301-346, 2018.
Hybrid systems neuroscience. E.M. Navarro-López, U. Celikok, N.S. Sengör. In Closed-Loop Neuroscience. Editor: Ahmed El Hady (Princeton Neuroscience Institute). ISBN: 0128026413, 9780128026410, Academic Press, pp. 113-129, chapter 9, 2016.
DYVERSE: From formal verification to biologically-inspired real-time self-organizing systems. E.M. Navarro-López. In Computation for Humanity - Information Technology to Advance Society. Editors: Pieter J. Mosterman, Justyna Zander. ISBN-10:1439883270, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. Chapter 12, pp. 345-360, 2013.
What makes the control of discontinuous dynamical systems so complex? E.M. Navarro-López. In Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences, An International Series of Scientific Monographs and Text Books, pp. 237–252. Editor: S. Sivasundaram. An International Series of Scientific Monographs and Text Books, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, UK, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-908106-30-8.
Dynamically-driven timed automaton abstractions for proving liveness of continuous systems. R. Carter, E.M. Navarro-López. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS 2012, (London, UK, September 18-22, 2012). LNCS 7595, pp. 59-74, Springer-Verlag.
Controller parameters selection through bifurcation analysis in a piecewise-smooth system. E.M. Navarro-López, D. Cortés. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, (Pisa, Italy, April, 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4416 (A. Bemporad, A. Bicchi, and G. Buttazzo, Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 736-740, 2007. ISBN: 978-3-540-71492-7. ISSN: 0302-9743.
Papers available at arXiv, bioRxiv and other open scientific repositories:
International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE). Contributor to the IPIE's Synthesis Report "Trends in the Global Information Environment: 2024 Expert Survey Results", Zurich, Switzerland, SR2024.2, 2024. DOI: https://ipie.info/10.61452/QDLY4609. Press release in English, press release in Spanish. Featured at RIT's News.
Gender Music Tech, Digital Fems. Contributor to "Music Gender Metadata Manifesto". November 2024. Presented at LineCheck Festival, Milan, 21st November, 2024.
Gender bias in AI and everywhere else (Version 1). E. M. Navarro-López, 2022. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14605775.
Automatic generation of optimized convolutional neural networks for medical image classification using a genetic algorithm. R. García-Aguirre, L. Torres-Treviño, E.M. Navarro-López, A. González-González. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4167905 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4167905.
A computational model describing the interplay of basal ganglia and subcortical background oscillations during working memory processes . U. Celikok, E.M. Navarro-López, N.S. Sengör. Full version available at arXiv.org. Paper identifier: arXiv:1601.07740 [q-bio.NC].
The transcription factor basal regulatory network of Homo Sapiens and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae: uncovering the relationship between topology and phenotype. J.L. Hernández, A. Brass, E.M. Navarro-López. Available at bioRxiv. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/669697.
Stability of planar switched systems under delayed event detection. B. Legat, C. Gomes, P. Karalis, R.M. Jungers, E.M. Navarro-López, H. Vangheluwe. Available at arXiv.org. Paper identifier: arXiv:2009.04505 [math.DS].
Conference papers:
Towards an interpretable model for automatic classification of endoscopy images. R. García-Aguirre, L. Torres-Treviño, E.M. Navarro-López, A. González-González. 21st Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2022), (Monterrey, Mexico, 24-29 October, 2022). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), vol. 13612 (O. Pichardo Lagunas et al., Eds), Springer, pp. 297-307, 2022. Selected to receive the Best Paper Award.
Another 'Women in' event will make no difference: tokenism, privilege and violence in academia, science and technology. E.M. Navarro-López. Workshop on AI and Gender. Organised by EU-funded project AI4LABOUR. University of Wolverhampton, 19th July, 2022. Available at Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14605881.
A novel hybrid automaton framework for multi-phase epidemic modelling. E.M. Navarro-López, N. Çabukoglu. In Proceedings of the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM'21) of the Society for Modeling & Simulation International, Track Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM), (Fairfax, VA, USA, 19-22 July, 2021).
Stability of planar switched systems under delayed event detection. B. Legat, C. Gomes, P. Karalis, R.M. Jungers, E.M. Navarro-López, H. Vangheluwe. In Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 14-18 December, 2020), pp. 5792-5797. DOI: 10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304152.
Tracking the evolution of the English language as a network with temporal clustering. O. Blanthorn, E.M. Navarro-López. Conference on Complex Systems (CCS 2019), (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 30 September–4 October, 2019).
Coloured graphlet profiles as a predictor of career length in scientific co-authorship networks. O. Blanthorn, E.M. Navarro-López. 4th World Conference on Complex Systems: Emergence, Self-organization, Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, (Ouarzazate, Morocco, April 22-25, 2019). ISBN 978-1-7281-1232-9.
Feedback stability for dissipative switched systems. P. Karalis, E.M. Navarro-López. 20th IFAC Triennial World Congress, (Toulouse Convention Center, Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017) pp. 3497-3503.
A single pyramidal-cell and network computational model of the hippocampal CA3 region. U. Celikok, E.M. Navarro-López, N.S. Sengör. 26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, CNS2017, (Antwerp, Belgium, July 15-20, 2017). BMC Neurosci 2017, vol. 18(1): P236. DOI: 10.1186/s12868-017-0372-1.
DYVERSE with Y of dYnamical. E.M. Navarro-López. IV International Symposium of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU), (London, UK, July 9-10, 2016).
Inhibitory spike-timing-dependent plasticity in striatal microcircuitry. U. Celikok, E.M. Navarro-López, N.S. Sengör. Integrating Hebbian and Homeostatic Plasticity Workshop, The Royal Society, (London, UK, April 19-20, 2016).
The interplay of working memory and subcortical background oscillations. U. Celikok, N.S. Sengör, E.M. Navarro-López. Integrated Systems Neuroscience Workshop, (Manchester, UK, March 23-24, 2015).
Neuro-DYVERSE: building hybrid systems neuroscience. E.M. Navarro-López. The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, (Madrid, Spain, July 7-11, 2014). Special Session Theoretical, Technical, and Experimental Challenges in Closed-loop Approaches in Biology. This research was featured in the article "The strange relation between numbers and neurons", BBVA Openmind, 11th May, 2015.
A hybrid automaton for a class of multi-contact rigid-body systems with friction and impacts. M. O'Toole, E.M. Navarro-López. 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 6-8, 2012) pp. 299-306.
Model checking by abstraction for proving liveness properties of hybrid dynamical systems. R. Carter, E.M. Navarro-López. Automated Reasoning Workshop, (Manchester, UK, April 2-4, 2012) pp. 29-30.
Abstractions of hybrid systems: formal languages to describe dynamical behaviour. R. Carter, E.M. Navarro-López. 18th IFAC Triennial World Congress, (Milano, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2011) pp. 4552-4557. ISBN: 978-3-902661-93-7.
Speed-gradient inverse optimal control for discrete-time nonlinear systems. F. Ornelas, E.N. Sánchez, A.G. Loukianov, E.M. Navarro-López. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, CDC-ECC 2011, (Orlando, Florida, USA, December 12-15, 2011) pp. 290--295.
Sampled-data adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties. D.S. Laila, E.M. Navarro-López, A. Astolfi. 18th IFAC Triennial World Congress, (Milano, Italy, August 31-September 2, 2011) pp. 1261-1266. ISBN: 978-3-902661-93-7.
Geo-behavioural interest networks. E.M. Navarro-López, A. Poliakov. International Conference on Network Science, NetSci 2011, (Budapest, Hungary, June 6-10, 2011).
DYVERSE. Putting together the pieces of the hybrid systems’ jigsaw. E.M. Navarro-López. Howard Barringer’s FestschriftWorkshop (HOWARD-60). Organisers: Prof. Andrei Voronkov. School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, UK. 20th December, 2011.
Languages spoken by dynamical behaviours: A new approach to hybrid control systems?. E.M. Navarro-López, R. Carter. 13th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Cyber-Physical Systems Week 2010, WIP-session, (Stockholm, Sweden, April, 2010).
Bringing order to chaos: Hybrid modelling of a discontinuous chaotic systems. E.M. Navarro-López, J.G. Barajas-Ramírez. 2010 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, VSS 2010, (Ciudad de México, México, June, 2010) pp. 325-330.
Hybrid modelling of a discontinuous dynamical system including switching control. E.M. Navarro-López. 2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems, CHAOS09. Special session on Dynamics of Piecewise Smooth Systems, (London, UK, June, 2009).
Hybrid-automaton models for simulating systems with sliding motion: still a challenge. E.M. Navarro-López. 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, ADHS 2009, (Zaragoza, Spain, September, 2009) pp. 322-327.
Developed software packages for automated verification (selected):
DeadRegions Toolbox, with R. Carter.
proveByTA Toolbox, with R. Carter.
PWproveByTA Toolbox, with R. Carter.
DyverseRBT (Dyverse Rigid Body Toolbox), with M. O'Toole.
DyverseBMC (Dyverse Bounded Model Checker), with M. O'Toole.
AmicaGeo: Reinventing online dating. A. Poliakov, E.M. Navarro-López, D. McGeady. Business plan that earned a place in the finals of the RCUK Business Plan Competition in London. This was the seed of the idea for the company Locomizer.
Educational articles:
The Dancing Numbers Game (Mezzin' Around in the Classroom). E.M. Navarro-López. E-book Wellness Activities for your Students, chapter 42. IE Global Counselors Academy, IE University, 2020.
Universidad y Sociedad: ¿Responsabilidades Olvidadas? (University and Society: Forgotten Responsabilities?). E.M. Navarro-López, C. Villarroel González. Ingeniare. Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, 19(2), 2011. ISSN: 0718-3291.
La Naturaleza, las Matemáticas, la Ingeniería y el Caos (Nature, Mathematics, Engineering and Chaos). E.M. Navarro-López. Ingeniare. Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, vol. 18(1), pp. 2-4, 2010. ISSN: 0718-3291.
Technical memoranda (selected research and industry work):
Report on gender analysis of survey data and model. S. Yamak, E.M. Navarro-López, M. Thelwall, S. Mahmood, Y. Wang, E.U. Godwin, N. Adams, R. Rahimi. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 AI4LABOUR "Reshaping Labour Force Participation with Artificial Intelligence". October, 2022. My contribution was Section 3 "Literature review on gender bias in AI and beyond".
Framework to relate/combine modeling languages and techniques. One of 15 authors. Research report. ICT EU COST Action "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems". COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. January, 2019.
State-of-the-art on current formalisms used in cyber-physical systems development. One of 12 authors. Research report. ICT EU COST Action "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems". COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. January, 2017.
The energy basis of neuroplasticity and memory. E.M. Navarro-López. Research report. University of Manchester, UK. August, 2014.
Bit-sticking phenomena in a multi-degree-of-freedom controlled drillstring. E.M. Navarro-López. Research report. University of Manchester, UK. January, 2010.
FRECOCI: a new experimental and theoretical approach for the design and analysis of hybrid dynamical systems with impacts. E.M. Navarro-López, J.A. Somolinos-Sánchez, E. Licéaga-Castro. Research report. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. September, 2007.
Design of an experimental platform for the study of hybrid dynamical systems. J.A. Somolinos-Sánchez, E.M. Navarro-López, E. Licéaga-Castro. Research report. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, UCLM, Spain. December, 2007.
A simplified torsional model of a conventional vertical oilwell drillstring. E.M. Navarro-López. `` Research report. UCLM, Spain. September, 2006.
Identificación de líneas críticas. Sistema basado en conocimiento para el análisis de esfuerzos en plantas de proceso. E.M. Navarro-López. Research report. Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP, Mexican Institute of Petroleum), Mexico. October, 2005.
Synthesis of analytical models describing the torsional and lateral behaviour of a conventional drillstring. E.M. Navarro-López, J. Cabillic. Research report. IMP, Mexico. July, 2004.
Modelos en elementos finitos ANSYS de una sarta de perforación. J. Cabillic, E.M. Navarro-López. Research report. IMP, Mexico. July, 2004.
Modelos analíticos de una sarta de perforación. Estudio del fenómeno de atascamiento-deslizamiento y de vibraciones laterales. E.M. Navarro-López, J. Cabillic. Research report. IMP, Mexico. July, 2004.
Analyzing the discontinuous torsional model of a drillstring: switching and periodic motions. E.M. Navarro-López. Research report. IMP, Mexico. March, 2004.
Modelado y control del funcionamiento de cadenas de suministro. E.M. Navarro-López. Research report. IMP, Mexico. December, 2003.
Determinación de almacenamiento y transporte adicionales en el sistema integral de PEP-PEMEX Refinación: Solución desde el punto de vista de control automático. E.M. Navarro-López. Technical report. IMP, Mexico. September, 2003.
Propuesta para la primera fase del proyecto de balance de combustibles industriales. A. Bernabé Rocha, E.M. Navarro-López, C. Valencia Oleta, P. Vidriales García, F. Villarreal. IMP, Mexico. August, 2003. Delivery and presentation to Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX).
Notas acerca del modelado, análisis y control de las vibraciones mecánicas en una sarta de perforación. E.M. Navarro-López. Drilling monograph. IMP, Mexico. June, 2003.
Control por realimentación de la salida de un motor de inducción. E.M. Navarro-López. Technical report: IRI-DT 9808, c.b. 1400048180. Number of pages: 50. Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computer Science, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Polytechnics University of Catalunya) and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spanish Council for Scientific Research), Spain. August, 1998.
Control en modo deslizante de un sistema multivariable: Aplicación a un motor de inducción. E.M. Navarro-López. Technical report: IRI-DT 9809, c.b. 1400048176. Number of pages: 14. Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computer Science Applications (CSIC-UPC), Spain. August, 1998.
Identificación mediante modelos lineales y no lineales de un motor de inducción. E.M. Navarro-López. Technical report: IRI-DT 9806, c.b. 1400048182. Number of pages: 73. Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computer Science Applications (CSIC-UPC), Spain. June, 1998.